Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hang Out ! aQ peg qB ngn mEmber2 lmea aQ..ktrg g tngk wyg..citw NGANGKUNG! haha..lwk btoi ctew uh..n wat owg heart attack jea..sspe yg ade heart attact tuh..ini amrn yea..dlrang tngk cite ny.. coz.. mmg ske wat owg tkjut..aQ sndri tkejut bsar blkg aq..TU DYA!! pnye rr glak kuat td..haish.. gnggu jew aa.. hak2..

lps pegi tnds..waaa..ini la keja aq bila kt tnds tuh xdea owg.. hahaha

skunk kaki aq dah skit..waa... pnt2..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Volleyball Lover

* Title: 我的排隊情人 / Wo De Pai Dui Qing Ren
* English Title: Volleyball Lover
* Genre: Romance, sport
* Episodes: TBA
* Breadcast Network: CTS
* Broadcast Period: 2010-Jul-16 to 2010
* Air Time: Friday 22:00
* Opening theme song: My Flower by Freda Li 利得彙
* Ending theme song: Wo Da Ying Ni (我答應你) I Promise You by You Xuan 游喧

Growing up together, Bai Qian Rui and Xin Hai Jing never saw one another as more than friends. So it's no wonder when Hai Xing called upon Qian Rui to help out the volleyball team, Qian Rui tried everything to wiggle out of it. He was more interested in romancing the beautiful Jia Kai Lin than sweating it out with his best pal. Yet, joining the team was exactly what they needed to turn their long-time friendship into something more.

* Godfrey Gao as Bai Qian Rui 白謙睿
* Annie Chen as Xin Hai Jing 辛海靜
* Lan Jun Tian as Liu Qing Han 陸青瀚
* Song Ji Yan (宋紀妍) as Jia Kai Lin 賈凱琳
* Long Long (龍隆) as Jia Tian Hao 賈天昊
* Wang Jing Ying as Li Li Yi 李麗宜
* Na Wei Xun as Xin Ji 辛吉
* Yang Ming Wei as Luo De Hua 羅德華
* Zou Zong Han (鄒宗翰) as Shi Tou 石頭
* Chen Yan Ru (陳妍汝) as Mei Dai 美黛
* He Wan Ting (何宛庭) as Zhen Ping 真平
* Xu Shi Hao (許時豪) as Ma Han 馬漢
* A Da (阿達) as Wang Chao 王朝
* Wang Ming Xun (王明勳) as Xiao Mi 小米
* Wang Zi Min (王子珉) as Apple
* Jiang Wei Wen (蔣偉文) as Game show host

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Menunggu !

Menunggu....menunggu dan menunggu... 5 dec ! waa... xsabar ase nyea nak jmpa kwn2 lama blik.. rindu gler tat drg uhh...nseb baek kali ny rmai yg bley peg..ari tuh kmie 6 org jea..aQ,diela,asyfa,miera,yusri n hafiz...xbpe nk besh sngt..rmai2 lg besh..kali ny dgr cita nk wat pon xtow la wat pea..ny ejay nyea plan ktrg ikowt sjea.. mybe g tngk wyg kowt..waa.. best2..hrp2 cite yg besh.. cite antoo pon bley jgk.. J urm..menunggu ari yg pling besh dlm idup.. ejay dtg sni dri shah alam..diela dtg sini dri klntn.. dan  ari tuh jgk la ari jd asyfa.. J urm. .dye nk bwk kwn2 dye kali lowh plowk .. kolah mushi..laki ada pmpn pon da..urm..t kompem arr dye ta lyn ngt ktrg kowd.. arp2 ta kowd.. whateva la,,,asal kn dpt jmpe mmber2 lame.. especially nana.. i mean Noruen Ariana Aizat.. she’s my very best friend dri drjah 2 lg.. pape yg aQ wat suma ngn dye.. tusyen sme..kls fardhu ain ssme..klas pon sme.. wat gila2 pon sme2..rmmm...miss u so much la.. hrp2 dye ley g la..

next aQ na cita sal kwn lma aq yg aq sayang sngt2.. aq knl dri drjh 1 n drjah 3 drg pndah.. nme drg liyana.amiruddin n aliff.. aliff?? Itu lah kwn aq.. mmg rpt gler ngn dye.. dri drjh 1 smpai drjh tiga.. aq ingt lg kngn aq ngn dye...dye ajr aq wat roti canai guna sapu tngn..wahaha.. mmg xdea keja..tpi besh..mula2 aq ta reti ngt..lme2 jdi reti smpai skunk ny.. skunk ny dye kolah tun uda...  now.. psl liyana n amir..drg tuh dowk skali kt flat seri delima.. lme da ta jmpe.. skunk kolah sgai ara kowd..kdg2 trserempak ngn liyana kt psr mlm.. aq xtegur..bub dye mybe tak cam aq kowd.. pe kaba la drg skunk..dah la thun dpn nak PMR ! waaaa.. tkowt la plak.. ase skjp je kn.. ?

well..skunk mkin cpt masa berlalu.. aq nk pmr.. then nak spm plowk.. haishh..cpt toiii nk besar yea..
J ckp psl nk wat elok2 kali ny..upsr aq ta dpt elok..3A 2B jea..sdey toii.. aq ingt nk msuk MRSM lu dpt result elok towk upsr..tpi....xdpt..nk wat cmne kn.. xdea rzeki..tpi kali ny..second chance..PMR! knew at elok2..aQ nk capai pa yg aQ nk dri dlu lg.. arp2 jdi knyataan.. kwn2! Doakan aq yea.. lg pon klu aq xdpt mrsm lu aq sek situ..xdpt nk jmpa ngn dye lg dah.. L kan3??hahaha..
Well..pape pown..doakan yg terbaek tok aq..mudah-mudahan aq dpt result yg cemerlang dlm PMR 2011 nnti.. J

Knpe aq nak msuk MRSM???

Bub aQ nk berdikari... klu kt rmh,, jgn arp aq nk study sngt.. keja tngk tb..mkn,tido,,bkk buku ja tido.. bkn baca pon..tuh yg aq tkowt kdg2...rrr... tuh sbb aq nk msuk mrsm..mrsm kn ade prep..bljr lbeyh masa.. g pown ley stay ngn kwn2.. aq pown nk ase pnglmn aq sndri..mmg aq akn rindu kn parents aq..tpi aq nk msuk MRSM jgk.. parents aq pon xkesah.. drg support aQ jgk.. i love them ! ini peluang kedua aq..dan aq xkn sia2 kn.. insya-Allah aQ bleyh.. cayyokk!! Ngeee .... klu aq dpt msuk mrsm,,aq nk peg jauh2 pon xtow npe,, keh3.. tuh pon klu da rzeki aq thun dpn.. ermm..

5 jan???

Ade ape ngn 5 january?? Hahahaha..ari jdi aq la.. kali ke 15.. wahh.. dah tua nmpk nyea ! keh3.. arap2 ari jdi aq t ari yg pling besh dlm idup.. Aaminn... kwn2..jgn lupa kasi hadiah yea.. ngee ..

Lagu oh carol???

Oh Carol , I Am But a Fool
Darling I Love Though You Treat Me Cruel
You Hurt Me And You Make Me Cry
But If You Leave Me I Will Surely Die

Darling There Will Never Be Another
'Cause I Love You So
Don't Ever Leave Me
Say You'll Never Go
I Will Always Want You For My Sweet Heart
No Matter What You Do
Oh Carol I'm Still In Love With You

Oh Carol I Am But a Fool
Darling I Love You
Though You Treat Me Cruel
You Hurt Me And You Make Me Cry
But If You Leave Me I Will Surely Die

Darling There Will Never Be Another
'Cause I Love You So
Don't Ever Leave Me
Say You'll Never Go
I Will Always Want You For My Sweet Heart
No Matter What You Do
Oh Carol I'm Still In Love With You


Thursday, November 25, 2010

KWN2 !!

We all have friends. A lot gets talked about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend

A friend is someone who goes with you in the good times and bad times.'
Good friends are always by your side.  When you're  playing they don't walk away.

I have lots of friends.. n i love them all.. if I don't have friends, then ain't nothing..

-Nur Hani Zafirah bt Zamri
-Ikmalina bt MOhd Naim
-Nurdini Batrishia bt Lit
-Nur Farhanis bt Tamanuri
-Nurul Liyana Nasuha bt Omar

n ALL MY BFF (03-08)

Hanie :: aQ ske cara dye.. dye mmg sowg yg rjin.. dye gla korea ! aQ ada la jgk minat.. hehe.. dye sowg yg baek aty..ske wat lwk n ske berusaha.. dye pndai oo.. ske kwn nun dye.. :))

rajin dye !

IKmalina (Mena)::  dye sowg yg sporting.. ske wat lwk .. mnt korea jgk.. then lu dok ngn drg abih smua cita korea drg cita..aQ yg xtowh pape ny pown jd BLUR .. dgr jea la pew yg drg cite tuh.. haaha.. IKMALINA! AFIFAH ! rmai yg kte kmie dua cm kmbar,, KEMBAR?? ykea? xcm kmbar jea aQ tngk.. tpi mybe ade kowd.. ntah la.. g mne2 jea..msti mua keliru aQ ngn Mena.. sma cm dak form1 tuh.. firdaus..klas 1M.. dok pning aQ ngn Mena.. dye jmpe Mena..then dye ingt aQ.. dye jmpe aQ..dye ingt aQ MEna. haish.. kdg2 time rehat.. aQ ngn MEna sllu rehat sme2.. time dye jln dpn kmie.. dye cari mne 1 aQ.. skjap tngk MEna..skjp tngk aQ..hahaha.. then aQ ngn MEna glak.. whuawhuahua.. :))

kembar ke?

Dinie :: dini sowg yg baek aty gler.. dye kwn nun smua owg..tmasuk lah bdk yg kmie xska.. haha.. dak2 kls 2M taw la spe tuh.. hehe.. t aQ cite tat korang yea..dini ske cite psl korea gk.. tp kdg2 kmi ckp bnda laen dye ckp bnda laen.. tuh yg lwk tuh.. dini mmg kwn yg bleh di hrp..  :))

hnie n dnie

Farhanis :: dye mmg sowg yg kelakar.. sronok glr jdi kwn dye.. lu kte ngh sdey..dye ske bg kte snyum.. frhnis sowg yg gila2 jgk.. mmg besh kwn nun dye.. dye sowg yg baik.. xpnh tngk dye moody.. :))

Yana :: yana ! mmg besh gler ! dye kdg2 mmahami gler.. dye ske nsihat kt kwn2 dye.. lu da mslh dye nsihat bnda yg btoi.. yg best psl yana ny.. dye ngn ___ mmg sweet gler.. waaaaa... best gler tngk drg.. :)) hepy ending.. :))

aQ ngn YAna

A friend is someone who doesn't dump you and who helps you when you get hurt.  Someone who says they are sorry when they do something to hurt your feelings.

Budak2 kLas 2Maju (2010)


aQ sek kt Sek MEn Telok Kumbar .. nama kls aQ 2M (2010).. kelas aQ mmg FAMOUS ! mne2 cego mua pkat MALAS nk msuk kls kmie..hua3.. ni sbb PERANGAI kmie yg agk gila2..NOT bdk pmpn , sowie.. bkn ae.. kbnykn bdk laki keyh.. trutama AZIM FAHMI..wahaha.. tp sdey dye nk pindah.. t xdea lg lwk yg dye nk wat..sunyi la klas kmi.. bye2 Azim.. :P

the last day of school..azim bwk nset dye..waaaaa.. mmg best gler nset tuh.. seribu lbey beb.. mhal kowd.. (xleyh murah lg?)whaha..aQ asyik dok maen game lam nset dye ja.. hnie n dinie pown dtg join.. game tuh bg BABI MATI ! hahax.. lwk2.. pew ag.. maen jew aa.. tuh pon gme pling best jgk.. kmie mua cm pera maen..haha..aina lgi la.. smpai dok bsing2 kt tepi aQ time aQ ngh maen..mmg besh toii.. 

Time last2 sek ari tuhh.. kls sblah kmie tuh ksong.. then dak2 laki klas 2M ngn 2J ,, mula la buat gila2 drg..
wat shuffle la..breakdance la.. jpg ustaz shukor dtg bwu taw.. lari lintang pukang smua.. tpi da gak abg2 senior join skali.. dax 5M ,, abg Azlan...... abg didad,,mai tngok jea.. pehh..watpea..bkn na join.. lu drg join..peii..aQ ase ta jdi troi..haha.. begini lah jdi nyea pa bila keboringan sdh dtg :::

Ayu lark..dok bsing ! shakap.. 'woi DYE reti ka maen? DYE ta tow an.. Qayyum taw wat..DYE xtow.. !' aQ plak shakap 'biar lah kt DYE.. at least..DYE lg bgus dri Qayyum..wahaha..' kne blik ngn aQ.pdan!! 
whaah.. miss my schoolmates n of course miss kt.....................................sek I.. whaaha..



OMG ! It is one of the most difficult questions for the one can give the proper definition of love.. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind. 
Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects, preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.

Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection....

Hyep :))

Ola..i'm new here,.i'm doing this blog because my little sister wanted me to be her blog's follower.. besides.. i wanna to be a blogger girls like HAnis Zalikha.. love her very much..